Aqui você encontra a arte de contar histórias (storytelling)
entrelaçada à empatia, mediação de leitura, educação, brincar, sustentabilidade e cultura de paz.

Story eco tour in Brazil for NSN’s Earth Up

NSN’s Earth Up Congress

Stories at heart. Science in the Mind.  Together to save our planet.

I’m honored to participate in the NSN National Storytelling Network’s Earth Up Congress with two stories selected for the “Earth Up Evening Performance” and being invited to present Brazil in a Story Eco Tour!

Brazil’s Eco tour content is available on-demand at NSN Digital Library and will be available to schools soon. Contact or via WhatsApp: (+5511993934503) (

Tive duas histórias selecionadas para o “Earth Up Evening Performance” e fui convidado a apresentar o Brasil num Story Eco Tour. Este conteúdo (originalmente feito em inglês mas que também estará disponível em português) em breve poderá ser acessado por escolas, saiba como ou pelo WhatsApp: (+5511993934503) (

To registered for Earth Up and check the schedule starting (April 9-11 and on-demand content for longer) at

Eco Tour: Brazil


Presented as part of the Earth Up Conferenc

Breathe: A Story Eco Tour: Travel to Brazil’s amazing biomes with Brazilian storyteller Fabio Lisboa (and the traditional voices through him). From Indigenous peoples’ myths and ancient way of life to contemporary ecotales and organic farming, we will seek at the sunset, through the night and at the dawn of a new day, to know Curupira and other guardians of the forest. Let us help ourselves to breathe fresh air again and let our Mother Nature breathe in us.

Brazilian storyteller, speaker and author Fabio Lisboa has a degree in Languages and a postgraduate degree in Storytelling. He is a Storytelling Coach who highlights themes of Sustainability and the Culture of Peace. Fabio has performed and taught in Brazil, Argentina, Canada and United Arab Emirates. He writes at

Many thanks to Jeff Gere and NSN for the invitation; Carol Brunharo (Personal Stylist and in this case filmmaker too!), Heber Richard (editor and studio shooting); filmmakers Renato Dutra and Katia Klock, photographers Peter Milko and Hélio Nobre; musicians Rodrigo Scarcello, Inimar dos Reis and Magda Pucci; and consulting experts Marco Haurélio, Angela Papiani, Betty Mindlin, Luiz Carlos dos Santos, Bianca Tozato, Sarah Abusarar and Mariella Bertelli.


Brazil’s Eco tour content is available on-demand at NSN Digital Library and will be available to schools soon. Contact or via WhatsApp: (+5511993934503) (


EARTH UP!  April 9-11, 2021

Story at Heart, Science in Mind, Together to Save Our Planet

Join the National Storytelling Network for EARTH UP!, a storytelling conference exploring our planet’s climate, habitats, human behaviors, and actions to preserve our world.  This conference will focus on using stories to awaken, instruct, and inspire people to positive action. Earth Up is a full weekend of live virtual programs April 9,10, &11, with on-line content available April 5.

The EARTH UP! weekend program opens with a keynote address by folklorist and author Jane Yolen. Here’s  a recent interview in the Boston Globe: 

Earth Up! weekend continues with two Master Classes, a curated multi-teller performance, a Story Slam (theme: Mother Earth), eleven (ELEVEN !) workshops, an ’eyeball’challenge contest, and social times too. 

The full schedule is revealed at

Also, EARTH UP! will offer ‘on- demand’ programs from April 5-20. Your registration includes eleven folktales told by various artists from Margaret Read MacDonald’s pivotal collection, “Earth Care” (with classroom activities) (and two larger shows within the conference.) Also, three Story Eco-tours (Brazil, India, & Arctic Canada) weaving together story, science, and their natural worlds. Also seven Spotlight’ full length solo eco-story shows. All these ‘on-demand’ programs are available with your registration.

Weekend of Storytelling Aimed at Changing Our World


Full Weekend Packages start at pond level: 

$45 General public, $30 Members (sign in to NSN Account for discount.) 

More options available to support NSN with various bonuses

(Lake, Coral Reef, Ocean levels) all outlined in the Registration form at

Individual Event Tickets for Performances (Group & Spotlight shows, Story Slam, & Story Eco-tours: $10 each, ($5 members.)

Keynote: $20 ($10 members), Master Classes: $40 ($20 members.)  

Register at 


Live Events: April 9-11, 2021

On-demand content starts April 5

Events listed in Central time

Earth Up program on Sat. Night, 6pm (central)

NSN’s Earth Up!  April 9-11

Stories at heart. Science in the Mind.  Together to save our planet.



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