Long time ago, or not, the Plague was on its way to the city when it bumped into mullah Hodja Nasrudin.
- Where are you going so fast? - asked the mullah.
- To the city.
-What are you up to?
- I’ll take one thousand lives.
Returning from the city, the Plague met Hodja again. He was angry at the it:
- You told me you would take one thousand but you took ten thousand lives.
- No, said the Plague. I took one thousand. All the rest was taken by Fear.
Retold by Fabio Lisboa
Note: not being afraid is different from not being cautious. At this moment, 03/16/20, we have the chance to stop COVID19 (Corona Virus) spreading exponentially in Brazil, Canada (where I write this tale retold and this message of appeal) and other countries.
In order to previne contagious we should spontaneously stay away from each other for a while. In this voluntary self isolation, stories are a safe house to keep us company.
Getting informed, remembering and reminding people of precautious actions (and acting!) can actually save lives: Always wash your hands and face. For now, don't touch hands, hug or kiss when greeting someone. Always wash your hands and face, blowing your nose. If soap and water are not available, at least disinfect your hands. Whenever possible, avoid crowds, social gatherings in general, and even visits to elders. They are the most vulnerable group. But be sure to call them and use other tools in the connected world to do so.
Think that every responsible and cautious act is saving lives. Value and support initiatives (currently, online) done by artists and other professionals who, as Brazilian singer Milton Nascimento sings, “have to go where the people are”.
And when the plague is over, let us go back to the storytelling gatherings that bring people together to make them pulse around the heart of the Healing Word.